Alpha Trans Tech

e-Learning Language Solutions

Because they require complex linguistic, technical, and content development requirements, multilingual e-Learning initiatives present some of the most challenging enterprise localization efforts. As the non-English-speaking world joins the interactive classroom environment of new learning technologies that include sophisticated multimedia productions, software and web-based learning programs, online forums, and virtual boards, the e-Learning industry is at the forefront of global information sharing.


Multilingual e-Learning projects tap into the full expertise of an enterprise language service provider. Depending on the unique learning and technology needs of individual target audiences, an undertaking may include multiple learning modules. Such learning modules include highly interdependent product assets including text, graphics, user interfaces, online help files, audio and video simulations, video subtitles, multilingual voiceovers, software and web-based platforms, corresponding course documentation, testing and assessment modules, and more.


Alpha TransTech maintains its unparalleled leadership in the e-Learning industry by addressing the long-term language needs of clients. We deliver congruent and culturally acceptable localization solutions that maintain the fundamental learning objectives of the original modules.


Differences in learning and thinking patterns influence the way people process information, as demonstrated in their innate responses to local pedagogies. Audiences differ in the way they perceive and value concepts of time, space, money, relationships, power, risk, and even cultural gender protocols. Therefore, the accurate localization of e-Learning initiatives requires specialized cultural and linguistic specialists with subject matter knowledge and experience. The localization of e-Learning products can never be reduced to a simple word-for-word conversion. Without extensive cultural analysis and adaptation, linguistic subtleties make conceptual content difficult to translate effectively.


We are committed to exceeding customer expectations as your enterprise language partner. Long-term global success requires a dynamic partner, one that establishes technical, organizational, and process standards early in the project life cycle. From internationalized instructional content design, localization engineering, technical and creative writing, to functionality and linguistic quality assurance testing, all our e-Learning projects are led by a flexible team of language professionals and localization consultants.

Alpha TransTech optimizes your multilingual e-Learning capabilities and empowers you to reach your global target audiences.


By sharing our resources and recognized language experts with your enterprise, we support your long-term global success and empower you to make solid global business decisions.

Alpha TransTech’s unparalleled language expertise, coupled with our exceptional technical savvy, enables us to deliver cutting-edge solutions to meet all your education and training needs. We bridge the potential gaps in understanding by employing a team of translators with experience in creating and adapting world-class learning solutions for a global audience.